Countdown Cocktail Recipe

Is 2014 really almost over? Seriously, it can’t be. Where did fall go?! Where did the holiday season go?! (For that matter, where did my ENTIRE 20’s GO?!) I think my 2015 New Year’s resolution will be to not make any resolutions. I never seem to have as much control on my life as I want so I think I’ll just be along for the ride this year. Who knows what will happen… In the meantime, let’s celebrate the new year with a champagne cocktail recipe! I whipped these up for my family on Christmas morning and an hour later there wasn’t a drop left. These fancy little drinks will be perfect for ringing in the new year!

Countdown Cocktail Recipe


:: 1 1/2 cups pomegranate juice
:: 1 cup pear nectar
:: 1/4 cup Grand Marnier
:: 1 bottle of champagne

In a large pitcher, combine pomegranate juice, pear nectar, and Grand Marnier. (I couldn’t find pear nectar so I bought a large can of pears and used 1 cup of the juice.) Slowly add the champagne, immediately serve in champagne flutes, and ring in the new year!

Can you believe it has been an entire year since we started You Can Sit With Us?! Thank you all SOOO much for your love and support as we figure out this crazy blogger world. I think this turned out to be a lot more work than we thought it would be but so much more rewarding and fun than we thought it would be too. Everybody wins! If you’re just joining us or have been with us all year, don’t go anywhere. We’ve got big things planned for our 2nd year! Audra, Joanna, Kat, and I wish you all health and happiness for 2015. We’ll see you next year!